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Bob Brockish USMC, Korean War Veteran

horseshoe ridge korean war america's veteran's stories kim monson
Korean War Veteran Bob Brockish shares his experiences of becoming a Marine and fighting at Horseshoe Ridge.

The Battle of Horseshoe Ridge during the Korean War was a very difficult battle. Korean War Veteran Bob Brockish shares his experiences of becoming a Marine and fighting at Horseshoe Ridge. Many times the Korean War is referred to as the forgotten war.


3 Responses

  1. Please get this to Bob Brockish. Thank you for defending our country and giving everything in the fight you could & for telling us that the Koreans left the Americans to fight their war against the Chinese on Horseshoe Ridge, which may be what occured in several places since all that American soldier blood died to defend the Koreans, 50,000 of them which the entire Korean penninsula is size of Louisiana. What facts I hope this is what the students are listening to so they can be aware of the price of our freedom against the communists. Bernie, being a devout communist, along with EMERGE which makes up the Colo Dem legislature, books on the facts of the infiltration. The students need to know what is going and need to walk for the Republican candidates in Colorado. It is what you do with what you know that makes a difference. Knowledge is short changed without action. We are to preserve, protect & defend what we have been given.